Profile PictureCyber Inn

Custom Bard Token Frame | D&D, DnD

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Custom Bard Token Frame | D&D, DnD


Ideal for Virtual Tabletops such as Foundry and Roll20, as well as high-resolution printing for physical tokens.

Your Repertoire of Resources:

  • A majestic 1024px Photoshop file, crafted for both print and digital mediums
  • A pristine 1024px PNG, as sharp as the keenest melody
  • A bard's compendium: your roadmap to mastering the Photoshop file's artistic enchantments
  • A compact 256px PNG, perfect for embellishing token stamps on platforms like RollAdvantage
  • My unwavering support and a cheer from the heart <3

Let your creativity soar. Download now and illuminate your Bard's artistic brilliance in digital and physical realms alike!

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